Adam Painter

Senior Pastor of FBC Blanco
My greatest strength is complete and utter reliance on the Lord. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. He is the one that bears any and all fruit in my life. I cling to him with everything that I have. Throughout this process I have discovered less confidence in myself (in a good way as the Lord has continued to prune my pride), but much more confidence in God.

Hobbies include taking my wife Shannan on dates, and playing basketball, pickleball, and golf.

Authors and preachers I have been influenced the most by: John Piper, Tim Keller, Matt Chandler, and J.D. Greear.
My children are: Tyler 21 (lives out of state), Joren 18, Brody 12 (6th grade), Selah 9 (4th grade).